Nowadays, with the development of teaching management and teaching methods, people are paying more attention to TSR. “It is the keystone for other factors” Marzano and Pickering (2003, p.41) said. It is believable that cultivating a harmonious and affective environment between teachers and students will have positive effect on the study for many students. At school, there are exchanges not only in knowledge but also in affection between them. Certainly, psychological barriers have still existed for a long period of time. Thus, the teacher will be the guardian helping students get rid of those things, build stress-free atmosphere and explore their potential. Moreover, school may not be so friendly with students. That is why there is a need for strong TSR. It is a significant factor that cannot be omitted in the process of learning and teaching, which requires cooperation and active attendance from both teachers and students. In our small-scale project, we wish to find out the importance of having this relationship as well as ways to build up it effectively.
Materials and Methods
A questionnaire (Appendix) was chosen because of its advantages. It included ten items. The first part was to identify the actual state of TSR among second-year students. It mainly focuses on the level of TSR that students have now and the difficulties they have in process of forming a good TSR. The second one was to find out how a good TSR has influences on student’s learning motivation in terms of some basic aspects. In addition, the question is whether the final result can be affected by this relationship, was discovered by asking respondents their average score of the last term and level of their relationship with teachers. Collecting respondents’ ideas to establish an effective TSR is of the last part. Characteristics of a teacher which students often expect were also known through this questionnaire.
Second-year students of Hanoi University and Hanoi Architectural University were subjects of our research. 55 students with both genders at the age of 20 were chosen randomly from different classes. TSR affects all students who study many different subjects and those students have already made different views of TSR between school and University at this time. So we wanted to survey as many students as possible to get objective and reliable information.
Before doing the survey officially, we had a pilot survey in our class to see which problems our questionnaire may have. A bilingual English-Vietnamese questionnaire was processed because the English version was too demanding. The questions “How are the benefits of this relationship” and “Which aspects do TSR benefit you” seem to be similar to the question “how TSR influences on students’ study based on some statements”. We decided to delete it. Another question on how to build up a good TSR was changed from open-ended question into multiple-choice one because it took longer time to complete them. In addition, it was quite hard for us to summarize students’ suggestions. We also left a blank for them to fill in if they had any other different ideas.
We started administering the research in April, 2010. It took three weeks to give out, collect the handouts and analyze the data. 55 questionnaires delivered but only 50 ones were classified as appropriate.
Findings and Discussion
I. The actual state of TSR among students.
It is obvious that the teacher is a close person to students at school. He or she provides them with not only knowledge of their fields but also social understanding. The result showed that a large number of students (54%) regarded teacher as one of their moral guardians in life. Most of them highly appreciated the role of teacher. And as a result, 92% agreed that TSR is not only in teaching and learning. This figure proved the existence of other purposes which may also base on this relationship.
However, when being asked about the frequency of communicating with teachers, over half of students (52%) admitted that they are infrequent with doing so. The number of ones who rarely communicates with teacher is still high (18%). Generally, this relationship stands at a normal level (60% indicated), and can be the result of this phenomenon.
By questionnaire, we found out that there were many reasons which were described in chart 1, leading to students’ infrequent communicating. Half of them chose the option that communicating frequency depends on the relationship. A lot of them do not like to chat with their teachers out of fear, anxiety or timidity. They are afraid of bothering teachers (80%) or feel unconfident (52%). Others (70%) thought that the time is limited and so on. We can see that there was a lack of exchanges between teachers and students. “A perfect TSR is based on trust and care” while students are especially prone to problems and troubles concerning love, family, friends and academic studies during their adolescence (Kabir, 2007, p.2). It is crucial that they gain the care and recognition of their teachers through frequent communication with teachers, to talk about the problems when they have completely trust in teachers (Davis, 1999) and will not conceal some of the facts. In addition, teachers should have a high sensitivity to student’s emotion and be proactive to talk to them.
II. Impacts of a harmonious TSR on students’ learning.
The percentage in chart 2 shows that TSR had influence on student’s learning. About 60% of learners thought that TSR had great influence on their learning interest and performance. It depends on teacher’s expectations and if teachers act as though they expect students to be motivated (Davis, 1999). Only 2 to 6% of them chose “no influence”. Moreover, the students who do not like their teacher are more likely to feel sleepy during class (Kabir, 2007). While those who have good relationship with teacher, are more willing to cooperate with their teachers, find interest and performance important.
Study duration seems to be hard work, requiring not only efforts and courage of learners to face difficulties but also motivation and pleasant mood. By analyzing the questionnaire, we found that students’ learning interest and their love for the teacher are highly correlated. And their willingness to devote efforts to lessons and accept teacher’s comments also depends deeply on their relationship. Efforts, motivation and pleasant mood help students reach high spirit, concentrate better on what they are learning for a longer period of time (Davis, 1999). As a result, learners can master knowledge more efficiently (46% agreed) and easily talk about their difficulties (58%). However, the influence on self-study depends on each learner with 50% somewhat approved. Thus, in some aspects, TSR functioned to adjust students’ interests and efforts in learning.
Whether can efficient study be the result of having a harmoniously interpersonal TSR? By questionnaire, we collected 84% of students who had average score over 7.0. What can they reveal about their relationship with teachers? Nearly half of these students had very good TSR (47% self-evaluated), the normal level accounted for only 26%. Surprisingly, most of them thought that they had better results thanks to their good link with teachers; TSR was conductive to their grades which in turn can further motivate them. According to, “close relationships with teachers lead to higher levels of students engagement and achievement” (Pianta, 1999). Furthermore, getting satisfactory grades in exam was also a useful way that students gave impressions on teachers as cited in Harris’s report (1991). Teaching and learning is a duplex activity, which needs cooperation from both sides. Therefore, students should try their best to build a good TSR for their own benefits.
III. Suggestions to build up good and harmonious TSR.
Chart 5, which is illustrated above, reveals that there was also a need to know which popular characteristics of teachers that students often expect in forming a harmonious TSR. Respecting students was the quality of teachers that had the highest proportion up to 82% in comparison with the appearance. Although people assumed that it gave the impression on students, it was not very important to them, standing at the modest level. As Kabir (2007) suggested that teachers should treat students as their own children and mutual love with respect forming a TSR. The sense of self-esteem was quite strong in these students. They longed for respect from others. If the teachers respect them, they will show respect for teachers as well.
A teacher with a wide scope of knowledge is the second most popular qualification among students (74%). It seemed that teachers were expected to be professional, adapting to students’ needs in learning. The next qualification was the one who is kind-hearted and sympathetic, who should know students’ needs and treat students as his or her friends or families. The qualification of fairness ranked as high as that of having a good temper (68%). Marzano and Pickering (2003) also concluded that “students have a strong sense of fairness”, “they will resist efforts to monitor their behavior” if teachers have inappropriate behavior (p.33). Nearly the same percentage of learners favored teachers who had a sense of humor. Teachers can make class as interesting as possible by some activities to engage students. Of course, this part of responsibility also falls on students.
It is believed that knowing the main characteristics of a TSR is the vital element as a direction in making a strong connection with teachers to students. The highest percentage of participants (nearly 80%) agreed that TSR must have pleasant working atmosphere, following with mutual respect (66%). Other characteristics seemed to be less important than these ones. Cahn (1987) indicated that “In TSR, the quality of the relationship rather than the content of the course may be the most important factor determining the effectiveness of teachers” (p.182). Moreover, students need inspiration, challenging and stimulation from their instructors to become more enthusiastic, following Davis’s report (1999).
Since teaching is a two-way process, setting up a good TSR also requires students’ efforts. The data in table 1 indicates that there were various ways students used to improve their relationship with teachers and how they paid attention to each of them. The largest number of respondents (42%) thought that enhancing communication with teachers was good way and could shorten the distance between them and teachers. 34% held the view that cooperating actively could improve TSR, devoting to the effectiveness of the lessons. Sometimes, holding activities makes class more interesting and devotes to the effectiveness of class (28% agreed). Only 6% chose making suggestions for teachers’ teaching improvement. It seemed that enhancing communication and actively cooperating were useful ways which students often think and use. As far as the community concerns, teachers are burdened with heavy workload and pressure. Being understood and appreciated by students, teachers gain the assurance to perform their duties. Cahn (1982) confirmed that “perceived understanding plays important role in the development of TSR as measured by student evaluation of teachers” (p.179). Not only should we have confidence in and respect our teachers, but also ask sensibly, study spontaneously and learn persistently. No doubt the result will be fruitful.
In conclusion, our small-scale research found out the actual state and some significant points of having an effectively interpersonal TSR. Generally, students may not have full-evaluation on its importance. Their frequent communication with teachers was still limited basing on many listed reasons we collected, making the building of TSR difficult. In spite of playing a very important role, the fact that it is not easy to build a harmonious TSR on account of estrangement between teachers and students, which comes from traditional concepts, teachers’ teaching practice and students’ affection. “Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom” (Marzano & Pickering, 2003, p.1). It is emphasized on the necessity of having cooperation from both sides. Instead of treating students as lifeless bottles thirsting for knowledge, teachers should treat them as good friends, to whom the share invaluable experience, enrich logical thinking and ethics. Students also must respect them and cooperate with them for creating a pleasant learning environment. Those above are the useful ways letting TSR exist for ages.
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